Medication Therapy Management program
A free service to help you manage your medications
As a Priority Health Medicare member, you have access to our Medication Therapy Management services, or MTM for short, at no additional cost to you if you meet the Medicare MTM program requirements or are identified as an At-Risk Beneficiary through the Priority Health Drug Management Program. The MTM program connects you with a registered pharmacist for a yearly comprehensive medication review that can help reduce your costs and improve your health. In addition, your medications are reviewed quarterly to address potential issues by sending your provider a Targeted Medication Review (TMR).
What makes MTM so valuable?
Many people take more than one prescription, often prescribed by more than one provider. Additionally, most take regular or occasional over-the-counter medications or supplements, that can cause your routine to get complicated
Your MTM pharmacist is your personal resource and advocate who will:
- Help you understand your medications including what they do, when and how to take them, what to expect, and how to minimize side effects.
- Identify and help avoid possible conflicts between medications and/or over-the-counter products that could reduce effectiveness or cause dangerous reactions.
- Work with your doctor or doctors to resolve any concerns found with your medications.
- Discuss money saving options and alternatives for filling your prescriptions.
Who may be contacted for MTM services?
We encourage you to take advantage of this free program if you meet one of the following:
1. Medicare MTM program requirements:
- You are taking eight or more chronic medications, AND
- You have three or more chronic conditions, AND
- You are likely to incur $5,330 or more in annual drug costs.
2. You are identified as an At-Risk Beneficiary through the Priority Health Drug Management Program
You do not need to change your doctor or pharmacy and this free service will not affect your medication benefits. You could be contacted by your primary care office or an MTM pharmacist working with Priority Health through phone, email, text, or mail. To get started right away, contact Arine at 616.330.2898, or toll free at 800.259.7314, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Time (ET), to complete your free 30-minute comprehensive medication review over the phone. Once you complete your medication review, you will receive a Personal Medication List and a Recommended To-Do list summarizing what you discussed with the pharmacist.
- See a sample MTM visit summary you would get from the MTM pharmacist.
Take care with your prescriptions
Drug Take Back Programs Near You:
The preferred way of disposing unused controlled medications is to bring them to community take-back sites near you. Before bringing your medications to take-back sites, use a marker to cover any personal information, such as your name or prescription number. The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) allows unused prescription medications to be mailed back to pharmacies or other authorized sites using packages made available at pharmacies or other drug disposal sites. Contact your local pharmacy prior to mailing unused medications. Other medication collection sites in your area and information about medication disposal may be found at the websites below:
- Information regarding drug take back
- Additional take-back sites near you
- Flush list for Certain Medicines
- Safely Dispose of Drugs
Call Customer Service (toll-free)
888.389.6648 (TTY 711) 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week
Not interested in MTM services?
You'll only be contacted if you meet the program requirements above. To opt out of being for MTM services, call customer service.