Member forms

Forms marked "Interactive" allows you to type information right into them.

Follow the instructions on the form to find out where to send it once you've completed filling it out.

If you have questions, contact our customer service team by calling the number on the back of your membership card.

Communication impediment designation form

This form is for drivers and/or occupants in a vehicle who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or autistic. You can request a special "communication impediment" designation be placed on your Secretary of State record to notify law enforcement about your and/or your occupants specific communication needs. The designation is voluntary and is not printed on your driver's license, state ID care, or vehicle registration.

Prescription drugs

Health Risk Assessment

Healthy Michigan Plan Health Risk Assessment form (English, Spanish, and Arabic) from the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

Change your primary care physician, address and more

It's fastest to change your PCP online. Log in to your member account and choose My health care, then Find a Doctor.

Request credit against your deductible

Give or remove permission to see your personal information (HIPPA authorization)