Getting urgent care if you have Medicare Advantage or Medigap
Urgently needed services are provided to treat a non-emergency, unforeseen medical illness, injury, or condition that requires immediate medical care. Urgently needed services may be furnished by in-network providers or by out-of-network providers when in-network providers are temporarily unavailable or inaccessible.
First call your primary care doctor or other primary health care provider (a "PCP"), if you have one. A PCP knows their patients' medical history and is in the best position to evaluate your needs. Your PCP MUST coordinate any follow-up and continuing care.
If your doctor isn't available but you can't wait:
You can set up a "virtual visit." This is a doctor visit online or by phone, available 24 hours a day, to take care of minor conditions like sinus infections, colds, strep, etc. A virtual visit will usually cost the same as a visit to your doctor's office.
You can go to an urgent care center. Use the online Find a Doctor directory to find an urgent care center. Urgent care is considered an in-network service for Priority Health Medicare Advantage plans.
Go to the Find a Doctor directory now.
- Log in or create a member account
- Select Find care in the top menu
- Click Find a doctor or specialist.
To use Find a Doctor:
Note that out-of-network PCPs or specialists must be authorized before a visit (called “prior authorization”). Your in-network PCP can help coordinate all referrals to specialists.
Urgent care when you're out of our service area
You can set up a virtual visit with a doctor 24 hours a day, or you can go to an urgent care center or hospital for treatment. After you receive urgent care, contact your PCP. Your PCP must coordinate any follow-up and continuing care.