July VOA roundup: watch new Modules and register for upcoming webinars

We have new Virtual Office Advisory (VOA) Modules, quick and informative videos, available for you and your practice to view on the following topics:

  • News and updates: using online resources and tools to stay in the loop
  • prism inquiries: inquiry timelines and how to get your questions resolved as quickly as possible
  • Pre-service organization determinations: how to request PSODs for Medicare members and how to bill if a Medicare member proceeds with a non-covered service
  • Coding tips: virtual care billing, using Edits Checker, front-end rejections and sending us questions about clinical edits

View these and more at our VOA Modules page.

Upcoming webinars open for registration

Here’s what we have on the calendar:

Find these registration links and recordings of past VOA webinars on our website.