young man sitting on couch working on laptop

Stay covered—renew your Medicaid annually.

You must complete and return your Medicaid renewal form each year to keep your Medicaid health coverage. Make sure your contact information is correct in your MI Bridges account. That way, Priority Health and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) can send your renewal form for a quick return.

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smiling dad in bright sweater holding happy infant

Special delivery: Priority benefits around baby and you (PriorityBABY™)

New parents and caregivers can sign up for extra support—and a free gift!—from PriorityBABY™. This new program from Priority Health offers information on everything baby related. You’ll learn more about your baby’s first years, free preventative screenings, common infant illnesses, and how to tell sickness apart from emergencies.

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Get to the heart of hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, means your heart is working harder to pump blood through your body. That hard work can put you at risk for many serious health problems. Use our hypertension kit as a tool with your doctor. Together, you can treat and monitor high blood pressure. You can also reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease by understanding, tracking and lowering blood pressure.

Hypertension toolkit

See a doctor for a Hepatitis C screening

Hepatitis C is treatable, but only if you know you have it. Hepatitis C (a liver infection) is spread through blood contact with another infected person. Symptoms can be mild, so a person with Hepatitis C can have it without knowing. The good news? It can be treated with medication. Talk to your provider about testing. Visit our Find-a-Doctor tool to find a provider or to check if your provider is in-network.

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No-cost care

Annual checkups help keep you healthy all year long. Make sure to schedule one, included in your Priority Health Medicaid plan at no cost to you. These checks are important to monitor your health and treat small issues before they become big problems. They also let you talk to your doctor about other no-cost preventive care screenings, that can include cervical and breast cancer, Hepatitis C, colon cancer and more.

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a pregnant patient talking in exam room with a medical provider.

Women’s health

Regular OBGYN visits are an important part of preventive care. Talk to your provider about cervical and breast cancer screenings. If you’re pregnant, start prenatal care early. Your provider can test for infections that are harmful to baby such as syphilis, HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, Group B Streptococcal and Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).

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Protect your family from HPV

Protect against six types of cancer with the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination. HPV is a virus that can affect anyone and may not cause symptoms. Sometimes the virus lives months or years in the body before turning into genital warts. It can be passed through skin-to-skin contact. It’s best to start the vaccine by age 9 and complete the series by age 13. Talk to your child’s medical provider about getting the HPV vaccine.

Man walking through park with backpack and juice looking at smartphone

Maintain mental well-being

Your health plan comes with access to Teladoc Health - Mental Health, which offers online therapy and mental health counseling for your emotional well-being. This can include additional information, resources and a plan to support your mental health. Teladoc Health can also help you manage stress, reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

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young couple in living room using smartphone together while woman reads

Member privacy

We protect the privacy, confidentiality and security of your personal health information. We don’t discuss your health with anyone unless you tell us we can. Click the link below to learn more about our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it.

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Child on physician's table smiling at doctor

Quality improvement

It’s our goal to give our members the highest quality services and care. Our quality improvement program measures our work against the highest quality standards. Because of this, we have National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) accreditation, the most comprehensive and widely recognized accreditation available. View the Michigan Medicaid Consumer Product Guide to see how our Priority Health Choice Medicaid plans meet criteria in every care category.

Coverage decisions

Our goal is to cover care that meets high medical standards and is also cost-effective. This is called utilization management. If you have questions regarding our utilization management process and decisions, contact customer service at 888.975.8102 (TTY 711) and they’ll contact a health management staff member to help. Know that all utilization management decisions are based on appropriateness of care and service, and that no financial incentives exist for issuing denials.

Clinical practice guidelines

Clinical practice guidelines are tools created to make sure you get up-to-date medical care. Priority Health asks doctors to use these tools for the care you receive. The guidelines can be found at the link below, or by calling customer service at 888.975.8102 (TTY 711).

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man in glasses sitting on living room floor looking at smartphone

Interpreter services

We offer interpreters to help you or someone you know, speak to us or your doctor in any language, free of charge. We can also translate our printed materials into other languages, free of charge. Contact customer service at 888.975.8102 (TTY 711) for help with translation. Priority Health complies with all applicable federal and state laws in this matter.

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Woman on her phone and laptop on a couch

Fraud, waste, abuse

There are specific rules that all Medicaid members must follow. Make sure you know and understand the rules, and how to report any concerns to Priority Health and/or MDHHS.

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Priority Health complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia en su idioma. Consulte al número de Servicio al Cliente que está en la parte de atrás de su tarjeta de identificación de miembro. (TTY: 711). ملاحظة: إذا كنت تتحدث العربية، فإن خدمات المساعدة اللغوية تتوافر لك بالمجان. يرجى الاتصال برقم خدمة العملاء على الجانب الخلفي من بطاقة عضويتك الشخصية. (رقم هاتف الصم والبكم:711).

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