Clinical practice guidelines list

The purpose of a clinical practice guideline is to help you engage your patients in discussions of goals, preferences and priorities, and to provide you with information on the most effective methods of screening, diagnosis and treatment.

Below is a list of all Priority Health-recommended Clinical Practice Guideline documents by topic. All originated from the Michigan Quality Improvement Consortium (MQIC) and have been adopted by Priority Health.  (MQIC) is a collaborative effort to develop and implement standard clinical guidelines and performance measures.  MQIC participants include physicians and other personnel representing the Michigan HMOs.  MAHP recognizes the expertise and evidence-based knowledge that the guidelines represent and encourages the use of accepted standards of care to promote quality care and better health outcomes for Michiganders.

Acute bronchitis

Management of Uncomplicated Acute Bronchitis in Adults

Acute pharyngitis


Advance care planning

Alcohol and substance use


Back and neck pain

Deep venous thrombosis



Heart failure


In-office sedation

Kidney disease

Lipid management


Processing Medicare claims manual

40.1 - Place of Service (Rev. 4524 Issued; 02-14-20: Effective; 01-01-20: Implementation: 03-16-20)

Claims for OTP services should use Place of Service code 58 (Non-residential Opioid Treatment Facility - a location that provides treatment for OUD on an ambulatory basis. Services include methadone and other forms of MAT).



Management and Prevention of Osteoporosis


Overweight and obesity


Preventive care

Tobacco control