Removing opioids from circulation

Did you know 78 percent of pain medications are not taken by the person they're prescribed for?

Your forgotten pill bottle could become a lure for someone fighting an addiction. It could also be the means to creating one. That's why it’s best to rid your medicine cabinet of any unneeded or unused prescriptions.

We're working with our communities to educate people about disposal options, along with opportunities available at their local pharmacies, hospitals and police stations for drop-off containers.

hospital gray 78% of post-op pain meds unused statistic

Every April and October, the Michigan State Police host community take-back days so people can safely and anonymously dispose of expired and unused prescription drugs. Or, as a last resort, you can mix your medicines with unpalatable substances such as dirt or kitty litter, place the mixture in a sealed plastic bag and throw it away. Just be sure to scratch off or black out your personal information on the label.