Submitting medical records
When you request an authorization, or a post payment appeal determination, you may need to send us medical records.
To submit medical records for a specific claim (post-claim):
- Find the claim online using the Claims tool.
- From the remittance advice (claim detail) screen, click Contact us.
- In the drop down menu, select Medical records.
- Attach medical records to your message.
You'll receive a confirmation screen after submitting your message, and a confirmation email from our Provider Services team.
To submit medical records that are not related to a specific claim (pre-claim):
- Go to your Priority Health Secure Mailbox.
- Click the Compose tab
- In the What is your message about? field, choose Medical record submission (pre-existing)
- Use the Attachments field to attach your documents
- In the body of the email include: member name, DOB and member ID number.
- If you are submitting a pre-claim appeal; you must complete and attach the most current Priority Health appeal form and submit a detailed letter of appeal. For more information on appeals access our Reviews and appeals requirements.
If you don't have a Priority Health provider account, request one now.
- Autism services
- Community care management
- Clinical guidelines
- Coordination of care
- Discharge process
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Medicaid behavioral health
- Mental health services
- Neuropsych/psychological exams, testing
- Psychological E&M of non-mental-health disorders
- Substance use disorder services
- Telemedicine
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation