Implantable cardioverter defibrillator

Applies to:

Group HMO, POS and PPO plan members

Individual MyPriority® plan members

Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan members

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator authorizations

Pre-service patient education is required

Priority Health members must complete pre-surgical education for elective ICDs before we'll authorize payment. Individual and group Medicare plan members are not required to participate, but we encourage it.

The education is a 30-minute interactive, online program through Emmi®.

You can sign your patient up for Emmi® education using the ICD Authorization Form.

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Authorization form

To order an Emmi® program for your patients

There are three options for you to help your patients complete their pre-surgery education.

If patient has an email address and internet access, click the link in the authorization form to order the program. Enter your patient's information and email address. The program begins (for viewing in your office). Click the "View Program" button to close it. Then Emmi® emails a link to your patient for them to complete the program at home.

If the patient doesn't have an email address, but has internet access, give them a copy of the self-registration handout. The handout tells your patient how to complete the education online.

If patients don't have internet access, consider providing a workstation at your office where they can complete the education.