Moving your practice

Priority Health requires written notice, 90 days in advance, if you're moving to a new location. Failure to give us 90 days' notice may result in claims denials or reassignment of members.

PCPs who move their locations less than 30 miles keep their members at their new location; see below. Members who don't want to go to the new location may then choose to change their PCP to someone at the previous location, or anywhere else.

Requirements when you're moving your practice

Notifying your patients: 30 days' notice

Notify us in writing of your new practice address and effective date by submitting a provider enrollment application in prism. 

Notifying Priority Health: 90 days' notice

  • You're contractually obligated to give us at least 90 days' notice prior to the effective date of the move.
  • Notify us of your new practice address and effective date by submitting a Change Individual Provider or Organization application in prism.
  • If you're a primary care provider, provide in writing any arrangement for transfer of members.

If you're a PCP moving less than 30 miles, you determine whether to keep the members or have us reassign them.

A lapse in availability (see the office availability standards) will cause Priority Health to assign your patients elsewhere to ensure continuity of care.

Notify us of changes

To notify us of these changes, simply:

  1. Log into your prism account.
  2. Click Enrollments & Changes.
  3. Click Change Individual Provider or Organization and follow the steps to submit your change.