Modifier 52, reduced services
Report modifier 52 to a partially reduced or eliminated service. The modifier provides a means for reporting reduced services without disturbing the identification of the basic service. It also identifies a situation where a physician reduces or eliminates a portion of a service or procedure.
- Don't use modifier 52 when there is a CPT code that accurately describes the service(s) performed.
- Inappropriate with E/M codes
- Facilities reporting discontinued procedures should use modifier 73 or 74.
Modifier 52 reimbursement
Reimbursement under all plans will be 50% of the base fee schedule. This does not include MSD reduction, bilateral pricing, etc. that may also be applied.
Priority Health may request notes to determine the extent of services rendered.
Reference the CPT Manual for additional instruction.
- AI modifier
- Anatomic modifiers
- Anesthesia modifiers
- AT: Active treatment
- FT: Unrelated critical care services
- GA, GY and GZ: Medicare non-coverage notification
- GN, GO & GP: Therapy type
- JW, JZ modifiers
- UD and UA: Treated and released or admitted/transferred (Medicaid only)
- 59, XE, XS, XP, XU: Distinct services
- 22: Unusual procedural services
- 25: Significant service separate from E&M service
- 26 and TC: Professional and technical components
- 27: Multiple E/M services in hospital outpatient departments
- 33: Preventive service
- 50 & 51: Bilateral and multiple procedures
- 52: Reduced services
- 53: Discontinued procedure
- 54 & 55: Surgical care and post-op care
- 56: Pre-operative management only
- 57: E&M service same day or before major surgery
- 62: Two surgeons
- 73 & 74: Discontinued outpatient surgery
- 76 & 77: Repeated procedures, same day
- 78: Unplanned return to operating room
- 80, 81, 82: Assistant at surgery